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Social Media Monday (Vol. 4, No. 26)

Maryland Social Media - Social Media Monday

July 28, 2014

Focusing on People: According to the latest Altimeter Group study, companies are focusing more often on social suggesting that direct communications with people are more important that technology.  What do you think?  Let us know.

digital image

***DataBay: “Reclaim the Bay” Challenge (Aug 1- 3) THIS WEEK!

Thank you all for your helps so far in directing people to the Databy weekend challenge.  Please continue the push this week!

Can you please RT @Databay_MD or @MDEnvironment and share on facebook and everywhere else you can? We are directing people to the page for information and registration. If you want original tweets or posts, please see below. Anything you can do would be appreciated. Thanks again!

Draft tweets:

DYK? You can win cash prices at #Databay civichacking challenge to promote #chesbay restoration.

Calling all Marylanders: Create data-driven apps to aid in #ChesBay restoration 4 cash prizes. #Databay

Make a difference 4 #chesbay restoration & join @DataBay_MD in a civichacking challenge Aug 1-3

Draft facebook/Google+  posts:

Did you know there will be cash prizes?? A few $1K; grand prize $4K. Make a difference for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort! Join us for a civichacking weekend challenge to increase public engagement through data-driven applications. Techies, programmers, scientists, students all wanted! Aug 1-3 Learn more:

Wanted: Techies, programmers, scientists & students. Make a difference for the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort! Join us for a civichacking weekend challenge to increase public engagement through data-driven applications. Aug 1-3 Learn more:

Operation Hire: Maryland’s 100 Day Veteran Hiring Challenge!   Use #MDOperationHire

DON’T STOP NOW!  We are focusing on gaining more employers into the challenge in the month of July.  Encourage your followers that are business owners to join the challenge and commit to hiring Maryland Veterans.  Many of our agencies are active participants in this effort as well.  Is yours?  If not, make sure you sign up and then post when you have joined and when you have hired a Maryland Veteran!

This month’s #MDOperationHire focus:  Operation Hire Veteran Employer Tool Kit

Industry News

The Citizens Most Vocal in Local Government: This study does not focus on social media communications but is interesting none the less.

Twitter Analytics: Get to Know them.

Check Out These Instagram Trends.

 Have a great week!

Lori Livingston